UNIRAZAK'S Artificial Intelligence Assistant and Dashboard LTI
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UNIRAZAK'S Artificial Intelligence Assistant LTI Application
UNIRAZAK'S Artificial Intelligence Assistant Application is used to help learning the institution plans and executes effective communication strategy to assist the students to complete their course module on time and to help personalize their learning experience.
The admin dashboard provides visibility of user-behavior patterns across an organization. It has the ability to set key performance indicators, to have an ad-hoc views of the data, to schedule frequency and time of report on insights and updates etc..
Workflow builder
Workflow builder is a brand-new visual tool that allows admin to automate the routine functions by creating workflows. The administrator can program workflows to do a specific action.
Workflow Manual Trigger
A manual workflow trigger can be triggered by a user while creating or editing a record that can be configured through a workflow rule.
Resource View and Participations
This feature helps the instructor to view the overall performance and also make sure the student knows that the undertaking task is important.
Student Progress
Admin/Instructor can analyze the students progress made in a particular course.
All Course Progress
Admin/Instructor can analyze the students progress who is enrolled in all the courses.
Course Progress and Completion
Admin can analyze the students course progressions like how many successful enrollments on time, late & missing submissions in all courses which are marked under the term and sub account. Also they have an option to find each student's course progression details in it.
Student Progress Report
Student progress report view is used to view the entire details of the student who is enrolled in a particular course.
Attendance Report
This view shows the attendance report generated by a school.
Assesment Results
Assessment result feature display the log of marks/grades earned by the student.
Class Shedule
Admin/Instructor will schedule class times that maximize the chance for students to develop workable schedules in order to make progress towards degree.
Payment Shedule
It is used to schedule & notify everyone about the date and amount of payment to be made.
User Logging
This option is to view each students entire logging details briefly like when they logged in & out with LMS.
Time Logging
Time logging is used to track the students activities on LMS, it shows the frequency of student's total login and logout information.
Learner Satisfaction Rating
This help the learner to pinpoint their strengths and identify areas for improvement.
CSV Upload
Admin can update the users information in bulk such as phone number, payment information using this CSV upload option.
Live Chat Admin
Live chat support is a way for student's to have real-time, back-and-forth conversations with admin/instructor and their support team members.