Col Campus Learning Management System
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Col Campus Learning Management System
COL Campus is a dedicated online Learning Management System (LMS), changing the traditional classroom and style of teaching towards becoming more interactive, flexible and technology driven. Through its compatibility with certain Student Information Systems, COL Campus modernises your systems, helping you to keep up-to-date with new learning strategies and move towards a paperless campus.
COL Campus makes use of integrated tools to promote the exchange of learning and assessment content, whether for face-to-face or distance learning. The comprehensive grading and feedback features encourage fast and effective assessment turn-around times, while the rubric functionality encourages detailed feedback against pre-determined marking criteria. COL Campus includes a learning outcomes tool that assists you with maintaining your accreditation requirements. Set, track and monitor your learning outcomes in conjunction with your assessments.
Below screenshots represents how Col Campus LMS project looks like in a public page as well as in LMS .
Mobility as a service is a type of service that, through a joint digital channel, enables users to plan, book, and pay for multiple types of mobility services.It work based on the company and their branches.
Predicts a student’s future academic performance and behaviour
Provides the platform to modify a student’s behaviour
Generates tutor alerts based on a student’s activity and performance
Enables the tutor to communicate with the student in real-time
Records all student and tutor activity and communication
Generates progress reports
Builds a culture of evidence